Only now that the photoshoot business is over do I get to order the construction of a massage parlor:


Yeesh, that’s pricy. But I have enough.

As well, I see that starting with the third level of upgrades, some facilities offer bonuses specific to them:




‘Silver Tongue’ is described thusly: Moderante chance to bribe Pursuers in the overworld from attacking you (Pursuers feature still in dev)

And ‘Irresistible’ in the following way: Gain a permanent +2 bonus to all Contracts completed in the Guild Hall (Hosting, etc, these contracts are not yet implemented).

But the contracts are in fact implemented in-game, so I guess that footnote is a leftover from an earlier build. Still, it doesn’t matter for now as ordering the construction of the Massage Parlor has left me almost dry. Consequently I think about lubing up, and who better to undertake such a task than my mechanic Kaywin. I go to the garage.

Having been invited to Amy Seagrave’s penthouse, Kay is very excited:




Weirdly enough, the Penthouse is accessed via the overworld map, while I can access The Spire just fine via the underrail? We’ll see.

Gathering my courage, I ask the following:


And she responds…






Betrayal! Tyranicon you heartless monster, what have you done. Kaywin proposed we get a room or something, and now she rejects my advances? God damn it. Don’t play with a man-girl’s heart like that. I mean, I guess I could spring for a sex change and see where that leads me (that’s a weird sentence to write…), but holy if that isn’t horrible. Damn it, damn it, damn it. I was so looking forward to hooking up with Kaywin.



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